Pretty Eyelid with Bleparoplasty

Slit eyes or There is no sheath fold, divided two, That is slit eyes with Fat Many and Slit eyes without Espoused Fat Many. Said by dr. Abdul Gayum, SpKK from Clinic Arc Anti Aging Beauty Clinics, explain, Treatment this is equal to operation in general. " So first, done action antiseptik beforehand, sterilization the name. Afterwards new injected paregoric or Anastesi. If worried patient so is given medicine lets calm. New afterwards done operation bleparosplasty, " He said.
The working self enough consume time one clock. Not long not? But it is important to know bleparosplasty experience process enough difficult. But don't worry, When patient is worried, Doctor that do operation will convince and Invite to communicating so that worry in patient decreases. " Patient is suggested to close eye, Then formed big desirable eyelid. First, Be made slice along region that be formed, If there fat network is taked, Then skin surplus is cut a little. Afterwards closed with thread sewing work, " Said dr. Abdul moment at ask working process bleparoplasty.
There are some matter necessary payed patient before and After do treatment. Usually before operation, patient is obligated to fast first of all. Then first night after surgery, patient is compelled to lie down quietly and Head is uplifted. Besides also suggested to is not hitted water. " Because later hit microorganisme at eye region. after operation if bathe closed to wear plaster counters water, " detail moment met in place the work at JL.Panglima Potim, South Jakarta.
With cost Rp.5-10 million, patient can get beautiful eyelid that is hankerred after. And to get patient total result is compelled to come again one week after operation. " Usually the swelling has losted. also stop bleeding. But for the time maximal result approximately 3 weeks, " He said.
Effect. Sometimes there also side effects that in patient likes to happen swelling and rather blue after operation. " Swelling appears because around eye there also nerve, So that at the time of operation many blood vessel that cut. And after operation there be skin, " Said dr. Abdul detailed.
Doctor that present practice at Jakarta South this give tips working the safe bleparoplasty this. " Usually patient will felt dry the eye cornea, and difficult to close eye, but during good working and done by professional ones so that side effects is koided, " The suggestion.