How to use Mask Truly

Then how use mask truly? follow dr. Irma, first face skin is cleaned formerly, and to get maximal result so cleaned with cleansing milk. and if there komedo, so komedo lifted. So also if there skin dies to lifted with scrub. after clean, Skin massage. Afterwards new use mask. For mask use self, Mask is dabed in face and neck with movement to on, Flat, and same thickness. Movement must to on caused by earth gravity power, If movement downwards exactly make skin is to go down. " So not merely clean face, Then wear mask, " Said dr. Irma. for the use self there is no special standard, but usually one week once. Regarding the duration of use time, average 15 minutes. " There also bew 10 minutes has been lifted, or 20-30 new minute is lifted. Depending from that mask composition, " Said dr. Irma. Before lift and clean mask, damp face with warm water so that skin losts to dry. When wear mask suggested in position sleep, Because moment at that somebody mask must relax.
Mask use around eye
Eye is sensitive part, Therefore usually at salon very be careful use mask especially at eye region. May even exist that say at eye region may not at mask because very sensitive. Follow juliana, Really there is mask may not be suggested near eye. " This suggestion must be followed, because will cause result disagree with supposed, " She said.
Still, One class product on SK II just recently take outside mask product the miracle behind crystal clear skin. This mask product consist of that consist of two sheet this at claims can overcome old problem early. face part mask sheet will contain carnitive derivatives will help to repair elasticity to lift and tighten skin around cheek and chin. Temporary sheet the other one again contain collagen W-creator that help to disguise soft line in creasing in forehead and around eye. Enable area of around eye is given mask? follow dr. Irma, may provided with composition a little lighter. " The principle like that, " Specifically. So also mask use for neck.
May not move. During use mask is suggested to motion less or speak. Because if will move will not disturb mask use, and mask not formed. " We want to tighten, Want mobilizationi skin from movement that make skin is compact and stiff, So that can not move. with conditon like that so the wrinkle at minimal. If we move, so formed again, and the mask will not formed, So that will evoke wrinkle, and skin interested with that mask, " detail.
Temporary follow juliana, may motion less during at mask depending from mask type that dabed that. " If in character hard so suggested to doesn't speak because process at tighten will happen finely. But suggested to doesn't speak, Because mask stage is bing face stage is relaxing, " Specifically.
Wear ice cube. Not seldom moment mask treatment, expert will add ice cube moment will clean face from mask. While follow dr. Irma, Ice cube use there is no the function, Unless previous done aggresive action, For example makes skin is reder or Sensitive. " If so ice cube function to make become smaller blood vessel, " Said dr. Irma.
Really follow juliana, Ice cube use in addition for skin refrigeration, especially for skin that inflammation or mortally acne. " Try don't wear direct ice cube to face, but overlayed lint beforehand, new ice cube is moved to face, " She said.
Temporary for the age limitation, follow dr. Irma there is No. According to him since has skin problem, So he may care the skin by using mask. Even Juliana add soft mask may be used for adolescent so that their skin escaped from skin difference problem. " But I suggest so that they consult formerly, " Said juliana.
Pregnant mother even also, follow dr. Irma, Not problem uses mask because in mask composition there is no mobile substance in it. Juliana also doesn't prohibit pregnant mother uses mask, Only they necessary will pay what will be be used because hormone condition and body differ from usually. " Try mask use as minimal as may be, " respond it.
In general, Mask use really must follow expert suggestion. Suggested by Juliana, best you don't wear mask according to just any. For mask use self at home, be said by Juliana somebody must follow operating guide as described, among others use manner instruction and frequency uses mask. Well, Now you sure more ready for is using mask not?