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Various Treatment Beautify Neck

Neck troubleshoot, like coloured neck blacker and wrinkled, follow dr. Deby Susanti Vinski there are the solution, Either through also not operation. For operation, Said by dr. Deby, The difficulty level enough high because has many components likes muscle plastima and gland, and various another . Therefore, for neck affair, Dr. Deby imply, Treatment without operation, can give good enough result. Follow various treatment that can you choose to overcome neck problem, Among others:

Neck facial rejuvenation

Used to overcome problem in neck likes wrinkled and dull skin. The work process with cause the loss of skin heaping dies in neck part. First, patient at facial and given cream during range of time 5-6 week. Afterwards, done chemical peeling with AHA or Glycolyc Acid to lift skin cell dies. " Must doctor that do so that network ties doesn't turn into keloid, Because that neck skin is sensitive and thin, " Said dr. Deby. The treatment self in the amount Rp.250-500 thousands depending prosentase contents AHA. range from Rp.250-500 thousands depending how many percent use AHA.


Used to sagging jowl or neck and folded saggy chin (double chin). Neck the work process is injected with soft needle and long, With direction likes fan. Injection consists of Phosphatydilcholin (PPC), Fat carrier, and Multivitamin. The function to cause the loss of fat, tighten neck, and creat beautiful skin. This treatment is worn cost Rp.450-500 thousands.

Mesolift and Mesobotox

This injection can to tighten, repair neck texture, and whiten when augmenting whitening. For you that has the neck tendon problem very appear when not too mortally at inject with mesobotox. Neck skin at inject and direct medicine steps into under skin, Only 4 mm the needle, Vitamin insert and collagen. The cost Rp.450 - 500 thousands.


For the man who has muscle creasing that heavy, for muscles platisma that jut and Horizontal lines, can not be overcome with Mesobotox but only with Botox. Botox this work at dynamic muscle to retard it toes be old. With botox, five days then pure direct neck. The process can with 10-14 injection at neck part and want injection botox 2-3 cc. The cost around Rp.3 million.

Aptos threads to neck lift

Somebody that has neck troubleshoot is seen short because between jaw and neck likes to band. Neck can be made stage with treatment Aptos threads to neck lift. Treatment this also can to stimulate collagen, but follow dr. Deby better can not be absorbed skin so that can be pulled to return. Its way by using Aptos threads that is with putted into thread without operation. Beforehand injected anesthesia then putted into be neck, then pulled. Has disk that be special thread, and has arrow two directions lodges at skin, So that the jaw formed. Treatment that during half hour this worn cost Rp.3-4 million.